Upcoming Trip and Blackout Dates for Client Travel

Learn about my upcoming trip later this year and why I've set blackout dates for client travel. Find out how I can help you during this time.


Emily Kaplan

7/15/20244 min read

a pond with a gazebo in the middle of it
a pond with a gazebo in the middle of it

I have taken a few trips here and there during the time I've owned my business, but nothing too big. Nothing where I was majorly overlapping with client travel or where I was in a time zone so completely different that it would affect my level of support and service if I was needed in the moment for clients.

However, I do have a big trip coming up where all of that will be the case! I am going to South Korea and Japan for just over 3 weeks toward the end of the year and I am so excited to get back out to that part of the world! Especially during that time of year when fall foliage is in full effect, since theirs is a bit later than it is here in the Midwest. I have been to Japan once before but this will be the first time I am visiting South Korea and it has been toward/at the top of my list for about 10 years! I still don't have all the ins and outs planned yet (funny how that works when I plan travel for others!) but I am continually working on it.

So, with that said I will be executing "blackout" dates for the time I am there. I know that term sounds scary and a bit dramatic, but I was in retail management for most of my career so that is the only term that comes to mind haha! Why am I doing this? The most important thing to me when working with clients is that I am providing an elevated level of service and that they see the value in working with me. A huge part of that includes that I am easily and readily available for you before, during (and after) travel. If there is an issue - I am your resource, that is likely one of the reasons why you are working with me! I need to be able to hop on the computer and access your documents and information or make a phone call if needed. I do not feel confident I can commit to that during the time I will be away. Plus, this is mostly personal travel and I want to be fully present, just like I hope my clients are when they are on a trip I plan for them! Therefore, between the dates of Friday November 15, 2024 - Saturday December 14, 2024, if you have a trip you were planning to take then - I would not feel confident being your travel advisor during that time. Which, as you see that does include the (US) Thanksgiving holiday. Those dates also include a few days before and after so I can properly get there and back without stressing I am forgetting to do something for myself or a client.

If you were planning to travel then and you still need help I have a network of peers within the host agency I am a connected with that I can reach out to and get you in contact with. I am also part of the largest group of travel agents in the US called Travel Leaders Network which has thousands of agents across the country. There is an agent portal in which you can narrow down your agent search to specific parameters to find the perfect agent for you based on the type of trip you are planning.

I know this means I can lose both repeat and potential clients while I am still trying to grow my business. Quite honestly, it's scary possibly sending people off to other agents who likely have way more experience than I do, but I do think it's for the best. I don't think I would be doing myself or my clients any favors by being their travel advisor during that time since it will likely be hard to get a hold of me, so in the end I could wind up breaking down the wall of trust with clients regardless.

If you are planning travel outside of those dates whether or not we have started planning yet, we can work together as normal! Only thing I will require for client with travel during the dates in December I am available and first two weeks of January 2025 is that we have the trip completely booked prior to when I leave.

Hopefully this is understandable to anyone reading this, whether or not you are a current or potential client of mine! I am a one woman show over here so I don't have anyone else here to send you off to. Well, besides Popcorn & Pickles (my cats) and believe me they will be of no help since they tend to sleep, and sometimes snore (I'm lookin' at you Popcorn) on the job most of the time. Probably should fire them soon but they cute, so I'll get back to you on that one. Reach out to me with any questions, if you are looking to plan travel during that time and want me to find someone for you, or if you want to plan travel with me outside of those dates.

TLDR; I will be traveling to South Korea & Japan so between Friday 11/15/24 - Saturday 12/14/24 I cannot plan client travel for trips during that time frame but I am happy to help you find another agent who can better support you during that time!